Accredited Network Childminder

At long last Lincolnshire County Council have agreed that Childminders in our area, who meet their very stricy guidelines, should be Government funded (Accredited) just as pre-schools and nursuries are.


This has been a long time coming and I am pleased to announce that of January 2013 that 'Sharon Palmer Childminding' meets the top criteria to be accepted for this funding which allows me to offer 15 hours of free childcare a week to 2, 3 & 4 year olds ( 2 year olds that are eligable).....a great saving for any family.


There has been a long and arduous process to become Accredited, with meetings, extra training and assesments from the NCMA and Lincs County Council. Now with everything in place to give an all round pre-school education, we are the first in Sleaford and the 3rd of 3 (Jan 2013) in the North Kesteven area to achieve this status. A fact we are very proud of.


Please take a look at the Pdf document from Lincs County Council for further information.

Free Childcare 3 & 4 Year Olds
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
Free Childcare For 2 Year Olds
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]

We're here for you:


01529 414950





Opening hours


Mon-Fri : 7.30am - 6pm




Please also use our contact form.


Sharon Palmer Childminding
5 Burns Crescent



NG34 7GD

